Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Now sotumadu decided to venture in other activities. Sotumadu decided to reduce blogging activity and involve in other recreational activities. For beginning, it started with swimming. See some of sotumadu's activity pictures.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The pictures are self explanatory. Who is the liar? Fatimah is brown in colour. This is Guruji's black magic. Sopnasundari joins Fatimah to attack Guruji. Sopnasundari who is Guruji close aide disclose that Fatimah is innocent. She further said she is no longer working for Guruji after found the Guruji is a fraud. "We will release the Guruji's wrongdoings in suitable and proper forum" said Sopnasundari

Look at this Pic !

Guruji has released another picture which he doesnt want to comment about it. "A picture says Thousand Words!" said Guruji. However according to Guruji's aide Sopnasundari , "the person whose head stucked under the fence is none other then Fatimah. It was taken by Guruji himself when he saw Fatimah having it with an unidentified ashram member during the 2001 World Youth Gathering at Sungai Rambai Estate". Looks like this will be the worse mud slinging between a disciple and guru in modern human history!


Fatimah went ahead with reveal guruji's background. She said his picture will reveal who he is. "Visit google search for images and type "000849-sheep-pig-cow-old-pervert-man-wearing-stockings-bra-porn-having-sex-with-animal-doll" and you will know who is Guruji" she said.Our visit to the said link shows that Guruji is actually a person who regularly has sex with animals and animall dolls (see picture). "That's how he screwed me. Basically he is mad with multiple personalities" said Fatimah with tear in eyes. "He should stop tarnishing my image. Otherwise I will reveal more about him" retored Fatimah with sarcasm.

Sengkhoi Sherif Pic out!

Guruji has released his first picture of his collections . It shows Shengkhoi Sherif in despicable act!"Hope she will stop speaking with her ass!..she should stop circulating doctored pictures of mine." said Guruji

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Breaking News... Guruji detained in Airport by Indian Police. He was brought to the Villivakkam Police station for recording statements. We we informed that the police investigationg the Guruji under Emergency Ordinance for drug trafficking and terrorism financing. The sotumadu was infromed by a reliable source that the Guruji failed to post the bail amount and no one wants to be the bail out him. It is learned that (Guruji's one time personal aide)Fatimah is the one disclose Guruji's underworld activities to the police. We were informed that Guruji sent his agents to negotiate with Fatimah and post the bail. "We hope Fatimah will forget the past fallout with Guruji and assist him" said Guruji's spokesman.


Fatimah responded to Guruji's challenge and said she is willing to swear on the holly book that she did not engage in unnatural sex with Sengkoi sherif in 2008. "This is rubbish. Even the discipline committe cleared me from the allegations in early 2009. Why he is highlighting it again?" she asked. She further criticised Guruji for taking photo with two young white girls. She said she have enough evidence to prove Guruji had anal sex with white girls while he was in Ganges and will prove it in due course. "He should lick his ass hole as what I did not other ass hole" She said angrily.

Guruji fires salvo at Fatimah!

Guruji has lashed out at Fatimah following her public out burst in press following unfounded malicious allegation of Guruji scandal with tamil film dancers. He said time has arrived for him to reveal the truth behind Fatimah's mysterious disappearance in 2008.
"Ask Mr. Malluvetti Mayandi . He will tell you the truth!" shouted Guruji as sotumadu reporters pressed Guruji further. "I have a strong alibi to support that i was at Ganges and willing to swear on Holy Book . Fatimah!!.. will you do the same to prove that you didnt engange in unnatural sex with Sengkoi sherif in 2008???.. Just look at her latest picture... she has started to clean her own shit now! " said guruji before submerging in Ganga. As he walked out of the Ganga, scores of supporters gathered clapped and shouted "Jai Guruji!".


A group of sotumadus led by Fatimah would stage a protest to sack Guruji as the adviser for sotumadu blog. Fatimah said that she will not allow anybody to abuse women. This incident is uncalled and really affected the sotumadu family. Fatimah said she already have enough support to sack Guruji from the post. Joining the team is Mangalaveni who is leading the goats family. In a separate statement, Mangalaveni said she would hold hand with Fatimah to outset Guruji as the adviser of Sotumadu blogspot. She said "We knew how much of suffer the the sotumadu went trough at initial stage of the blogspot. The Guruji's act would tarnish the sotumadu family's name." Both Fatimah and Mangalaveni said they have enough supporters to topple the Guruji. (See supportes' pictures below)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Guruji failed to return home after his prayers in Ganges. Police report was lodged by sotumadu about his disappearance. Sotumadu declined to elaborate more. But reliables source informed us that Guruji had affairs with few young girls while in Ganges. The photos of the girs were released ( See picture below). However, sotumadu said he and Goomangkutoo Tata would be leaving to Ganges as soon as possible to locate Guruji. "We do not believe these allegations. All these allegations are frivolous, malicious and with bad faith. We have very high trust on our beloved Guruji" said sotumadu. Further to that sotumadu said the picture looks like photos of Tamil actress and that he suspects that a lot of cut and paste took place. He said he would update the latest findings about Guruji after his visit to Ganges.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Sotumadu said he did not say that he will quit politics. "I just said I will consider quitting politics if requested by the supporters. The Mainstream media controlled by the ruling party KUMNO behind all this" he said. He also cited Utusan for being unfair to him and misinterpreted his entire statement. He said he is communicating to his Guruji (once claimed to be mad) on next course of action.
Sotumadu rejected his members call on Wednesday to quit politics in the face of anti-sotumadu which threaten to spiral out of control across the country.
A court also issued an injunction telling the cows to leave the Pasar Tani, one of Asia’s largest. Cows spokesman also rejected courts’s plan. “We won’t pull out, we won’t leave if Sotumadu does not quit,” he told reporters. Pasar Tani business in standstill till sotumadu finds a solution to disperse the crowd.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


By Utusan

Due to tremendous pressure from supporters to sotumadu to be apolitical and maintain as a pressure group, sotumadu has decided to quit politics immediately. When contacted sotumadu confirmed his decision. Further, sotumadu explained that he cannot stand the pressure from his rivals who are playing dirty games. "I am leaving politics with heavy heart" exclaimed sotumadu with tears in eyes (see the above picture).


By Sotumadu

IPOH, Feb 6 — Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has accused Barisan Nasional of planning yet another “coup d’état” if the Federal Court rules in his favour next week and reinstalls him as Perak mentri besar.

“When the Feb 9 (court) decision comes out, Umno will launch yet another coup de tat of the worst kind to wrest power away from us.

“They will do anything in their power to make sure that the Pakatan (Rakyat) would not hold [the] government,” he said in a speech during a breakfast session with the public at Chemor, here this morning.

Later at Sungai Siput, Nizar explained to The Malaysian Insider that he was “pre-empting” Umno’s next move in predicting what would happen once the Federal Court delivers its decision in the MB vs MB case next Tuesday.

“If the decision sides with me, they will get (deputy Speaker) Hee Yit Foong to convene a special assembly sitting so that they can move a vote of no-confidence against me as the mentri besar,” said Nizar.

A vote of no-confidence against Nizar would see the fiery leader losing his post as mentri besar once again for PR only holds 28 seats in the 59-seat assembly.

While BN also shares the same number of assemblymen, they would also get supporting votes from the infamous three “frogs” who have become “BN-friendly independents.”

Although Hee, by chairing the assembly, will be unable to cast her vote, BN would still have a two-seat edge over PR.

Nizar said he would not put it past BN to perform yet another power grab.

“They will use their people to stop the lawful Speaker of Perak, V. Sivakumar from entering into the hall,” he predicted.

Should Nizar win in his appeal in the MB vs MB case, The Malaysian Insider understands that Sivakumar would automatically be re-instated as the lawful Speaker of Perak.

This is because all the events, including the swearing-in of Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir as the new mentri besar and the appointment of BN’s Speaker, Datuk R. Ganesan, that took place after Nizar’s ousting would be considered as null and void.

In a mammoth ceramah last night at the Ku Tien hall in Ayer Tawar, Seri Manjung, Nizar told a crowd of over 3,000 people of his suspicions, in a clear bid to warn the BN government against any hanky-panky.

He retold the story of the “violence” that BN had used against the 28 PR assemblymen during the tumultuous May 7 sitting as well as the recent Oct 28 sitting last year.

“They are capable of doing anything. That is why I am saying, on Feb 10 or Feb 11, after the court decision, BN will once again grab power from us,” he said.

He alleged that there was irregularity in Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi’s call for a meeting with all veteran army personnel at the State Secretariat today.

“What is the meaning of this? It is because they know that the support of the people is with us. So they will stop at nothing — they will use their police power, the commandos and their people to stop us.

“But I hope that, despite this, the judgment on Feb 9 will be a fair one where the people of Perak will get their rights returned,” he said.

Zahid met with former army personnel from Perak at the State Secretariat this morning and handed out awards to 22 personnel for their contributions.

During the ceramah, several other PR heavyweights were also present to engage the crowd, including DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and PKR supremo, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar, however, left early after a short speech, to attend to another function.

In spite of this, the size of the crowd that gathered for the ceramah was a good boost to the spirits of the Perak PR representatives.

For the past week, the PR team has been campaigning furiously across the state in preparation for the coming Feb 9 decision and to cement their support from the people in conjunction with the one-year anniversary of the power grab.

During today’s expedition, Nizar, who is leading the northbound bus to Parit Buntar, received warm response from the public.

“It has been very promising so far. The people are responding well to us,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

He will make at least 10 stops, in the towns of Jelapang, Chemor, Sungai Siput, Kuala Kangsar, Lenggong, Padang Rengas, Changkat Jering, Taiping, Bagan Serai and ending with a ceramah at Parit Buntar.

The southbound expedition will pass through the towns of Batu Gajah, Gopeng, Kampar, Tapah, Bidor, Slim River, Tanjung Malim and ends in Teluk Intan.

Both expeditions, which kicked off from the “Democracy Tree” here this morning, are being followed by state PR representatives and party members.

To lend a softer touch to the campaign, Nizar also brought along his wife, Datin Seri Fatimah Taat, and his two young daughters aboard the bus