Friday, February 12, 2010


Guruji failed to return home after his prayers in Ganges. Police report was lodged by sotumadu about his disappearance. Sotumadu declined to elaborate more. But reliables source informed us that Guruji had affairs with few young girls while in Ganges. The photos of the girs were released ( See picture below). However, sotumadu said he and Goomangkutoo Tata would be leaving to Ganges as soon as possible to locate Guruji. "We do not believe these allegations. All these allegations are frivolous, malicious and with bad faith. We have very high trust on our beloved Guruji" said sotumadu. Further to that sotumadu said the picture looks like photos of Tamil actress and that he suspects that a lot of cut and paste took place. He said he would update the latest findings about Guruji after his visit to Ganges.

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