Saturday, February 13, 2010

Guruji fires salvo at Fatimah!

Guruji has lashed out at Fatimah following her public out burst in press following unfounded malicious allegation of Guruji scandal with tamil film dancers. He said time has arrived for him to reveal the truth behind Fatimah's mysterious disappearance in 2008.
"Ask Mr. Malluvetti Mayandi . He will tell you the truth!" shouted Guruji as sotumadu reporters pressed Guruji further. "I have a strong alibi to support that i was at Ganges and willing to swear on Holy Book . Fatimah!!.. will you do the same to prove that you didnt engange in unnatural sex with Sengkoi sherif in 2008???.. Just look at her latest picture... she has started to clean her own shit now! " said guruji before submerging in Ganga. As he walked out of the Ganga, scores of supporters gathered clapped and shouted "Jai Guruji!".

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