Saturday, September 27, 2008

12 Cows including Fatimah Found

Sengkoi Estate – The cattle farmer found all his missing 12 cows including Fatimah around 3.00pm today. He said the cows were returned to him by the Local Sheriff's Office at 3pm today. He said he was informed by an officer from Local Sheriff Office, that infact all the cows were detained by them for security reasons. The farmer, Mr. Malluvetti Mayandi lamented that the reason given by the officers as ridiculous, malicious and with malafide (bad faith). He said "Fatimah looks very fierce but she is very softhearted". He said he could not accept the reason given by the officers that his 12 cows could be a threat to security. Any how he said his happy with the early release of his cows. He said his immediate review reveals that his cows were treated well during the dete ntion period except for Sopnasundari. Sopnasundari's eyes were swollen (Picture on top) and th e reason is unknown.

When contacted, a senior officer from Local Sheriff Office said the reason for the detention of the cows is not because of security. He said the detention is purely for the safety of the cows without elaborating more.

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